Thai massage is known as one of the most effective massages. The palms of the hands, forearms, feet and the strength of the whole body are used to relax the muscles and strengthen the ligaments, and to stimulate biologically active points. Regular massage reduces psychological tension, stress and anxiety, removes physical blocks, helps to remove accumulated salts from the body, develops body flexibility and increases the range of movements. It is said that traditional Thai massage is a form of Yoga, only during it all the work is done for you by a massage master.
Thai massage is primarily associated with a healing rather than a relaxing effect, and since ancient times, people have practiced it as one of the most popular and effective ways to heal.
Skaityti daugiau
Unlike traditional, Thai massage is not performed on a table, but on the floor, on a stretched mattress. Special attention is paid to foot massage. Pressing movements are performed on the fingers, hands, palms, forearms, elbows, and feet. About 70% of the body weight of the person performing the massage is transferred to one point of the body during the massage movement.
Strong pressure can cause a person to feel healthy pain, but this is completely normal as it stimulates deeper tissues. Throughout the massage, about 100 important human energy points that regulate the activity of vital organs and systems are stimulated.
This massage is performed without the use of oil, it is not characterized by light touches or calm caresses, because the massage is intended for healing, not just pleasure. For health purposes, this massage should be performed at least three times a week.
For a Thai massage, please brink sportswear or looser, comfortable clothing.